Hey out there. My name is Kristina, but my family and friends call me Kris, but never call me late for happy hour. I am a phenomenal wife of 33 years and fabulous mom of 2 amazing girls. It brings me such happiness and joy to cook for others, although I cook for me too, which I believe is key. My shockingly tolerant husband and pushy friends keep suggesting I start a blog because I often post delicious food and sumptuous cocktails on my Facebook page – yes, I am that old that I still have a Facebook page. So, in order to get them off my back, I thought “why not”…. Believe it or not, I have been accused of being shy. In reality, I am funny, outgoing, and bold and it shows in my cooking. So, I am hoping this blog will inspire your inner self to try something new, just like I am with this blog. I will share my knowledge of yummy cooking, blending tasty cocktails, and using my garden harvests to elevate everything on your table. Just a funny sidebar, I have always loved to cook, but never ventured into cocktails until Covid, when I was fortunate to be gifted a shoebox full of airline liquor bottles. And hence, Meats, Beets, and Bubbles was born. My memories from my maternal grandparents are filled with warm holidays with family around the table and pumpkin bread that had ridges from the coffee can that always made it extra special. Someday I will share my grandma Pearl’s hand-written almond roca recipe, but we aren’t that close yet. Maybe on my third blog…get it, third blog. And don’t get me started on my Chocolate Chip Chewys from my childhood, which brings my girls home every time I promise to make them. My “junior high self” jumps at the chance to make these for Christmas and any time my husband and daughters want to take them to a work or social event. Stay tuned for this recipe! So, stick with me as I work out the kinks, share my terrific self and recipes, and incorporate your awesome feedback and suggestions into what I love doing every day. Cooking, gardening, and cocktailing.