Chocolate Chip Chewys and Me
Let me introduce you to my famous, well, only with my family – but I hope they will soon be famous within your family as well – Chocolate Chip Chewys and me. I can’t remember the first time I made these cookies, but reassure you, I can remember each and every time I ate them as a kid.

The recipe is written in my own “junior high” scribble on an old, butter-stained index card that I keep under lock and key – this way, I guarantee my grown girls will rush home instead of making their own. My heart just skips a beat when they ask for them, because then I know I will get to see them. Chocolate Chip Chewys and me have elevated holiday parties, birthday celebrations, school functions (yes, we are proud to have a teacher in the family), and work events. Even my husband begs for them every now and then.

While it seems like a pretty standard chocolate chip cookie recipe, they are brilliantly tasty, with or without nuts, to make sure everyone gets to partake. Without giving away my secret sauce yet, what makes this cookie different than most chocolate chip cookies, is that you spread the dough onto a cookie sheet, bake, and then cut them into bars. In fact, I have thought about making a giant birthday cookie cake after accidentally removing the entire cookie from the pan before cutting it into bars. After all, don’t they say that “accident is the name of the greatest of all inventors.”