Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea

Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea is a refreshing and delightful beverage that combines the tropical flavors of hibiscus tea with the rich and smooth taste of rum. This delicious drink is perfect for warm summer days or as a special treat during any season.

To create this enticing concoction, start by brewing a strong batch of hibiscus tea. Hibiscus tea has a vibrant red color and tangy flavor. This adds a unique twist to traditional iced tea. You can either use pre-packaged hibiscus tea bags or steep dried hibiscus petals in boiling water until the water turns a deep red.

Once you have brewed the hibiscus tea, let it cool completely before adding any other ingredients. This will ensure that the flavors meld together perfectly. While the tea is cooling, prepare your favorite rum. Opt for a high-quality rum with smooth notes of caramel and vanilla to complement the tartness of the hibiscus tea.

When the tea has reached the desired temperature, pour it into a pitcher filled with ice cubes. Slowly add the rum to the pitcher, stirring gently to distribute the flavors evenly. The amount of rum you add can vary depending on your preference. A good rule of thumb is to add around one part rum for every two parts tea. This ratio allows the flavors to harmonize without overpowering each other.

To enhance the taste and presentation of your Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea, consider adding some fresh fruits or herbs. Slices of citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, or limes can infuse a burst of citrusy goodness into the drink. You can also muddle some fresh mint leaves and add them to the pitcher for a refreshing and aromatic twist.

Finally, serve the Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea in tall glasses filled with ice. Garnish each glass with a sprig of fresh mint or a slice of citrus fruit. The vibrant red color of the tea, combined with the enticing aroma of the rum and the fresh garnishes, will undoubtedly captivate your senses and leave you craving for more. This tantalizing drink is not only visually appealing but also offers several health benefits.

So, whether you are hosting a summer gathering, lounging by the pool, or simply looking for a delightful way to unwind. Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea is the perfect beverage to elevate your experience. Indulge in the harmonious blend of flavors, savor the refreshing taste, and let the tropical vibes transport you to a blissful state of relaxation. Cheers to the ultimate fusion of hibiscus tea and rum!

Here is the recipe for the Hibiscus Iced Tea base Hibiscus Iced Tea – Meats-Beets-Bubbles (meatsbeetsandbubbles.com)

Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea

Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea

Hibiscus Rum Iced Tea is a refreshing and delightful beverage that combines the tropical flavors of hibiscus tea with the rich and smooth taste of rum. This delicious drink is perfect for warm summer days or as a special treat during any season.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Course Drinks
Servings 1 Cocktail


  • 6 Oz Hibiscus ice tea
  • 1 1/2 Oz Rum
  • Mint sprig-garnish
  • Lemon wheel-garnish


  • Fill a Collins glass with ice. Add rum and tea, then stir to combine.
  • Garnish with mint and lemon. Enjoy!
Keyword cocktail, Hibiscus rum ice tea, Hibiscus tea, ice tea, rum