I Didn’t Plant This
Much like Shoebox Bartending, gardening was not always my passion. Good thing I got over that, right? When I was young, my family had tomato plants that produced like crazy – almost as fast as the rabbits we had to keep away with chicken coop wire. I loved spending time out there, until one day I found one of those dreaded alien-like tomato worms and I didn’t plant this! My little legs took me to the house faster than my garden trowel hit the ground. My attention quickly turned to something else – anything else!!
Several years ago, I decided I was ready for the challenge once again – tomato worms, or no tomato worms. My prince-charming hubby built a fantastic raised-bed garden and now I find such joy playing in the dirt. You would think I had another baby (heaven forbid), because when I get up first thing in the morning, I am off to the garden to see how big my babies have grown. It is time to name my garden, so I am requesting some ideas from you all out there. Nothing naughty – you know who you are….

I can appreciate a good challenge and when it is 110′ in the summer that is a challenge. With temperatures like this, there is no reason to own a sauna, right? Even my babies can test me at times. For example, I planted this eggplant three years ago in a five-gallon bucket to expand my gardening area. Well, needless to say, she was somewhat temperamental, and we are glad we did not rely on her for survival, because I only harvested two eggplants. With persistence – some would call it stubbornness – it looks like we might be surviving on eggplant Parmesan soon. Cannot wait to share that recipe….

Gardening feeds my soul and provides me with satisfaction of a job well done. I ran across this quote the other day and it is perfect for me. “Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes”. Unknown. And sometimes you get tomato worms, but either way, nothing feels better than running out to the garden and picking your own meal and nothing tastes better than a homegrown tomato. Not to mention, how it can elevate your bubbles as well – relax, we will get to that soon!! So, get out there and play in the dirt!